10037000 EB 06 jmp short ftgg.10037008//进入OD后停在这 10037002 68 90960000 push 9690//OEP的RVA 10037007 C3 retn 10037008 9C pushfd 10037009 60 pushad 1003700A E8 02000000 call ftgg.10037011
10009690 55 push ebp 10009691 8BEC mov ebp,esp 10009693 53 push ebx 10009694 8B5D 08 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] 10009697 56 push esi 10009698 8B75 0C mov esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+C] 1000969B 57 push edi 1000969C 8B7D 10 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10] 1000969F 85F6 test esi,esi 100096A1 75 09 jnz short ftgg.100096AC
1001AFF0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 1001B000 9A 18 DA 77 EA 22 DA 77 0B 59 DA 77 F0 59 DA 77 ...w.".w.Y.w.Y.w 1001B010 00 00 00 00 19 52 31 77 00 00 00 00 B0 1B C4 77 .....R1w.......w 1001B390 00 00 00 00 DF 71 F7 72 26 16 F7 72 6C 71 F7 72 .....q.r&..rlq.r 1001B3A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
add esi,ebx xor eax,eax
10038652 8B9D E6904000 mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+4090E6]//[ebp+4090E6]=10000000 10038658 3B9D 5F974000 cmp ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+40975F]//[ebp+40975F]=10000000 1003865E 75 01 jnz short ftgg.10038661//如与映像基址不符则重定位处理! //可以改标志位Z=0,使这里跳转 10038660 C3 retn 10038661 8BB5 63974000 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+409763]//[ebp+409763]=00032000 重定位表的RVA 10038667 03F3 add esi,ebx//ESI=00032000+10000000 =10032000 10038669 33C0 xor eax,eax//找到这里 1003866B 66:8B43 3C mov ax,word ptr ds:[ebx+3C] 1003866F 03C3 add eax,ebx 10038671 8B80 C0000000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+C0] 10038677 85C0 test eax,eax 10038679 75 08 jnz short ftgg.10038683 1003867B 2B9D 5F974000 sub ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+40975F] 10038681 EB 0F jmp short ftgg.10038692
10038683 03C3 add eax,ebx 10038685 2B9D 5F974000 sub ebx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+40975F] 1003868B 0118 add dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx 1003868D 83C0 04 add eax,4 10038690 0118 add dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx 10038692 AD lods dword ptr ds:[esi]//[ESI]=[10033C34]=00000000 10038693 0BC0 or eax,eax 10038695 74 6F je short ftgg.10038706//重定位表处理结束,跳转 10038697 8BD0 mov edx,eax 10038699 0395 E6904000 add edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+4090E6] 1003869F AD lods dword ptr ds:[esi] 100386A0 8BC8 mov ecx,eax 100386A2 83E9 08 sub ecx,8 100386A5 D1E9 shr ecx,1 100386A7 66:C785 55974000 00>mov word ptr ss:[ebp+409755],0 100386B0 33C0 xor eax,eax 100386B2 66:AD lods word ptr ds:[esi] 100386B4 0BC0 or eax,eax 100386B6 74 49 je short ftgg.10038701 100386B8 66:0385 55974000 add ax,word ptr ss:[ebp+409755] 100386BF 66:8985 55974000 mov word ptr ss:[ebp+409755],ax 100386C6 50 push eax 100386C7 C1E8 0C shr eax,0C 100386CA 83F8 01 cmp eax,1 100386CD 75 0E jnz short ftgg.100386DD 100386CF 58 pop eax 100386D0 25 FF0F0000 and eax,0FFF 100386D5 03C2 add eax,edx 100386D7 66:0158 02 add word ptr ds:[eax+2],bx 100386DB EB 24 jmp short ftgg.10038701 100386DD 83F8 02 cmp eax,2 100386E0 75 0D jnz short ftgg.100386EF 100386E2 58 pop eax 100386E3 25 FF0F0000 and eax,0FFF 100386E8 03C2 add eax,edx 100386EA 66:0118 add word ptr ds:[eax],bx 100386ED EB 12 jmp short ftgg.10038701 100386EF 83F8 03 cmp eax,3 100386F2 75 0C jnz short ftgg.10038700 100386F4 58 pop eax 100386F5 25 FF0F0000 and eax,0FFF 100386FA 03C2 add eax,edx 100386FC 0118 add dword ptr ds:[eax],ebx 100386FE EB 01 jmp short ftgg.10038701 10038700 58 pop eax 10038701 49 dec ecx 10038702 75 AC jnz short ftgg.100386B0 10038704 EB 8C jmp short ftgg.10038692 10038706 C3 retn//ESI=10033C38
, _/ /| _.-~/ \_ , 青春都一晌 ( /~ / \~-._ |\ `\\ _/ \ ~\忍把浮名 _-~~~-.)
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